Parental Control in Latino Families an Integrated Review of the Literature
In the context of paediatric obesity inquiry, general parenting has demonstrated salient relationships with adolescents' weight and weight-related behaviour outcomes(Reference Sokol, Qin and Poti1,Reference Vollmer and Mobleyii) , thus indicating a demand for its application in addressing the obesity epidemic among youth. Full general parenting is divers as a constellation of attitudes communicated to the child and an emotional climate created by parent'due south behaviours(Reference Darling and Steinbergiii). Common operationalisations of full general parenting involve parenting dimensions of warmth/responsiveness, command/demandingness and autonomy back up, as well as Baumrind'southward typology of authoritative, disciplinarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting styles derived from high and low levels of warmth/responsiveness and control/demandingness(Reference Sleddens, Gerards and Thijs4). Amidst these full general parenting constructs, authoritative parenting has shown a consistent protective nature against unhealthy weight gain and nurturance of favourable energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB) equally compared to not-authoritative parenting styles(Reference Sokol, Qin and Potione,Reference Vollmer and Mobleytwo,Reference Sleddens, Gerards and Thijsfour,Reference Shloim, Edelson and Martin5) . Various parenting dimensions, adapted to different contexts and situations, accept likewise demonstrated significant associations with adolescents' dietary behaviours(Reference Gevers, van Assema and Sleddensvi–Reference Melbye, Bergh and Hauskenviii). Further investigation of how general parenting has influenced adolescents' EBRB and weight status would contribute to improving intervention components of parental involvement.
According to Darling and Steinberg's theoretical framework, general parenting exerts overarching effects on adolescent outcomes(Reference Darling and Steinberg3). The two main mechanisms are that behaviour-specific parenting practices mediate the influence of general parenting on adolescent behaviours, and general parenting moderates the influence of parenting practices on adolescent behaviours(Reference Darling and Steinberg3). For example, our previous inquiry using data from a national sample of American adolescents establish that nearly 60 % of the total association betwixt authoritative parenting and adolescents' fruit and vegetable intake was mediated by parenting practices of promoting fruit and vegetable intake(Reference Zhang, Davey and Larsonix). In add-on, the promotive effect of parenting practices related to adolescents' physical activity was simply significant amid those whose parents had relatively high levels of responsiveness(Reference Zhang, Davey and Larson9). Therefore, in addition to acknowledging parenting practices, focusing on how parents engage in parenting practices could help parents promote an free energy-counterbalanced lifestyle to prevent unhealthy weight gain among youth.
Fathers are generally underrepresented in childhood obesity research. A systematic review of observational studies on parenting and babyhood obesity found that only x % of studies reported results for fathers(Reference Davison, Gicevic and Aftosmes-Tobio10). Some prove suggested the importance of paternal influence on childhood obesity and EBRB(Reference Sleddens, Gerards and Thijsiv). For case, higher levels of conflict with fathers predicted greater adiposity risks among girls during adolescence(Reference Niu, Tanenbaum and Kiresichxi). Fathers' full general parenting dimensions of construction and behaviour control were associated with more restrictive snacking parenting practices and lower adolescents' snack intake(Reference Gevers, van Assema and Sleddens6). Yet, existing prove remains inconsistent, and specific pathways of paternal influence need to be further explained(Reference Neshteruk, Nezami and Nino-Tapias12).
National surveys signal that Latino adolescents living in the USA are disproportionately at risk of obesity and are likely to accept EBRB characterised by excessive energy intake and inadequate free energy expenditure(Reference Ogden, Fryar and Martin13–Reference Moore, Thompson and Demissiesixteen). The Latino culture of familism and personalism suggests the importance of family relationships in shaping adolescents' lifestyle behaviours(Reference Halgunseth, Ispa and Rudy17,Reference Knight, Gonzales and Saenzeighteen) . Latino fathers usually serve as the head of the household and are responsible for making decisions for their families(Reference Saracho and Spodek19,Reference Villarruel and Chahin20) . Previous focus group studies with Latino mothers documented Latino fathers' straight or indirect participation in food and activity parenting(Reference Lora, Cheney and Branscum21,Reference Mena, Gorman and Dickin22) . Interestingly, in a focus group study exclusively conducted with Latino fathers, we found that fathers identified similar food or activity parenting practices but indicated that they employed the practices differently based on unlike parenting styles(Reference Zhang, Hurtado and Flores23). For example, some fathers expected their adolescents to be physically active using encouragement by saying 'accept fun, play, acquire' or providing options, while others used demands such every bit 'push him to play, not ask for permission, just tell'(Reference Zhang, Hurtado and Flores23).Therefore, the interactions between Latino fathers' general parenting and behaviour-specific parenting practices need further study to explore how Latino fathers tin be important agents of change for paediatric obesity prevention.
Few studies have examined Latino fathers' potential influence on adolescents' EBRB in the family context, supporting the need for additional studies. Related empirical findings would support the development of intervention strategies that could enhance family unit-based interventions for preventing unhealthy weight gain among Latino adolescents. Therefore, the current study aimed to: (1) investigate associations betwixt paternal general parenting and adolescents' EBRB (pathway a, Fig. 1); (2) examine whether these associations were mediated by behaviour-specific parenting practices (pathway b and c, Fig. ane); and (three) examine whether general parenting moderates the associations of parenting practices with adolescents' EBRB (pathway d, Fig. one).
Fig. oneThe conceptual model of how paternal general parenting and behavioural-specific parenting practices could potentially influence adolescents' free energy residue-related behaviours
Participants and sampling
This study used a cross-sectional design applying a convenience sampling strategy to recruit Latino adolescent–father dyads from community centres, food shelves and churches serving Latino families in Minnesota metropolitan areas between Baronial 2017 and Feb 2020. Participants were recruited using oral and written invitations and screened based on the following criteria: adolescents aged betwixt 9 and 14 years and able to speak and read English, fathers self-identified as Latino, able to speak and read Castilian, and had meals with the adolescents at least iii times in a week. The number of dyads meeting the inclusion criteria and providing consent and assent adamant the sample size. Fathers and adolescents responded to the questionnaire survey independently with the aid from research assistants if needed and received greenbacks compensation ($35 and $25, respectively) for completing the data drove. The current study merely focused on early adolescents' perceptions of paternal general parenting dimensions and EBRB parenting practices. Because, our previous studies found that Latino early adolescents and fathers had poor agreement in reporting parenting practices and father-reported paternal parenting practices were not or weakly correlated with adolescents' EBRB(Reference Zhang, Baltaci and Overcash24,Reference Zhang, Reyes Peralta and Arellano Roldan Brazys25) .
General parenting measurement
Survey items of full general parenting were primarily adjusted from the Parenting Style Observation Rating Scale for Latino parents with additional items from the Parenting Style and Dimension Questionnaire and the Comprehensive General Parenting Questionnaire(Reference Domenech Rodríguez, Donovick and Crowley26–Reference Sleddens, O'Connor and Watson28). Cognitive testing was individually conducted with five Latino adolescents past asking them to recall aloud most how they selected their responses, rate the level of difficulty in answering each item and to repeat the survey items using their ain words. Items with poor performance (due east.thou. difficult to answer and inconsistent interpretations) were deleted. The remaining items were farther refined by examining internal consistencies using Cronbach's α, cistron loading using exploratory factor analysis and model fit using confirmatory factor analysis among the sample of the current written report (northward 225). Figure 2 demonstrates the final set of twelve items in a three-dimensional structure with a good model fit of root hateful squared error of approximation ≤ 0·06, comparative fit index, Bentler–Bonett not-normed fit index, and non-normed alphabetize ≥ 0·90, respectively(Reference Suhr29). The three dimensions were identified as warmth, autonomy granting and coercive control.
Fig. 2Latino early adolescent-reported survey items of general parenting and their psychometrics (n 225)
Paternal food and action parenting practices
The 3 types of paternal parenting practices (setting expectation/allowance, behavioural modelling, and managing availability and accessibility) respective to seven types of EBRB (consumption of fruit, vegetables, sugary drinks, sweets/salty snacks and fast food, physical activity, and screen fourth dimension) were assessed based on adolescents' reports. Paternal expectations were assessed by asking how many times in a day (or hours in a day) the father wants the adolescent to eat fruits and vegetables (or be physically agile). The response options for fruit and vegetable intake were '0 times or I don't know = 0', '1 time = ane', '2 times = 2' and '3 times or more than = 3'. The response options for physical action were '0 min, as much as I want, or I don't know = 0', '30 min or less = ane', 'xxx min to 1 h = two', '1 to two h = three' and '2 h or more = 4'. Paternal assart was assessed by asking how oft (or how many hours in a day) the male parent allows the adolescent to drink sugary drinks and consume sweets/salty snacks and fast food (or have screen fourth dimension). The response options for drinking sugary drinks and eating sweets/salty snacks were 'non allowed = 0', 'less than 1 time in a calendar week = one', '1–3 times in a week = ii', 'iv–six times in a calendar week = iii' and '1 or more times in a mean solar day, equally oft as I desire, or I don't know = four'. The response options for allowing screen time were 'non allowed = 0', '30 min or less = ane', 'thirty min to one h = two', '1 to 2 h = iii', and '2 h or more than, as much as I want, or I don't know = four'. Paternal behavioural modelling was assessed past asking how many times in a week the adolescent sees the father eating fruits and vegetables, drinking sugary drinks, eating sweets/salty snacks and fast food, being physically agile, or having screen time, and how many times in a week the adolescent engages in these behaviours with their father. The response options ranged from 'almost never or never = 1' to 'once a day or more = v'. Paternal management of availability/accessibility was assessed by asking how frequently the father buys, prepares and makes certain the adolescents have different kinds of fruits and vegetables to cull from, how often the male parent buys, prepares and gives money to buy sugary drinks, sweets/salty snacks and fast food; how often the father takes the adolescent to places, sends the adolescent exterior or provides opportunities for the adolescent to exist physically active; and how frequently the begetter provides screen time opportunities to the adolescent. The response options ranged from 'almost never to never = 1' to 'almost always or always = 5'. A previous publication described the development and validation of these survey items in item(Reference Zhang, Reyes Peralta and Arellano Roldan Brazys25). Scores of paternal parenting practices corresponding to each EBRB were calculated by summing the mean scores of the three primal parenting practices.
Adolescents' energy residuum-related behaviours
Survey items adapted from the Block Kids food frequency questions were used to assess adolescents' intake frequencies of fruit, vegetables, sugary drinks, sweets/salty snacks and fast food(Reference Hunsberger, O'Malley and Cake30). Each food category had a typical list of food items that were commonly consumed by Latino adolescents(Reference Zhang, Reyes Peralta and Arellano Roldan Brazys25). The response options of intake frequencies were never, less than once a calendar week, 1–three times/week, 4–vi times/week, and once a twenty-four hours or more than and were converted to a daily intake frequency of 0, 0·eleven, 0·29, 0·71 and 1. The daily intake frequency score of each nutrient category was the sum score of daily intake frequency of all items in the specific food category.
Adolescents reported weekly hours they participated in vigorous and moderate exercises, respectively, using response options of 0, < thirty min, 0·5–ii h, 2·five–4 h, 4·5–half dozen h and >6 h. These responses were recoded to 0, 0·3, 1·3, 3·3, 5·3, and 8 and were summed to guess weekly hours spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity. The survey items were adapted from the assessment method developed by Godin and Shephard and applied in the Project EAT written report(Reference McGuire, Hannan and Neumark-Sztainer31,Reference Godin and Shephard32) . Adolescents responded to survey items regarding their media utilise time on a typical weekday and weekend day, respectively(Reference Utter, Neumark-Sztainer and Jeffery33). The specific media apply included watching Television/DVD/videos, using a computer non for report or work, and playing electronic games while sitting, using response options ranging from 0 h to > 5 h. Weekly screen fourth dimension was calculated equally a weighted sum of weekday and weekend day screen time.
Sociodemographic characteristics
Adolescents reported their sexual practice and age, and fathers reported their historic period, marital status, years living in the United states of america, linguistic communication spoken at domicile, the highest level of formal didactics attained, and household income and food security status. Fathers' acculturation levels were determined based on their length of stay in the USA and language spoken at dwelling house(Reference Zhang, Baltaci and Overcash24,Reference Kandula, Diez-Roux and Chan34) . Nutrient insecurity of the family was assessed using a two-item screener that showed adequate sensitivity and specificity(Reference Hager, Quigg and Black35).
Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed using the statistical software package SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc.). Descriptive statistics including count, percentage, mean, standard deviations, median and interquartile range were obtained for all variables as applicable. Simple relationships of paternal full general parenting dimensions with adolescents' EBRB and corresponding parenting practices were assessed using Spearman'southward correlation analyses. Because the values of EBRB were correct-screwed, square root transformations were applied prior to the multiple regression analyses. The PROC REG procedure was used to examine linear associations between paternal general parenting dimensions and adolescents' EBRB. Covariates included in model one were adolescents' age and sex, fathers' age, employment status (total-time v. non total-time), acculturation level (loftier v. low), and household food security status (secure v. insecure). Model 2 was additionally adjusted for behaviour-specific parenting practices. Simple mediation analyses were performed for meaning associations from model i using corresponding parenting practices as mediators. Confidence interval (CI) of the mediated effects were generated using the Procedure macro for SAS (version iii.1) developed past Hayes(Reference Hayes36). Moderation analyses were performed for associations between parenting practices and adolescents' EBRB by high and low levels (median splits) of general parenting dimensions using the PROC GLM procedure. Each assay addressed missing information separately and so that we did not eliminate participants with missing data from the sample. Mail service hoc statistical power was calculated using G * Ability iii.1. The nowadays study reached a minimum power of 97 % for linear multiple regression with an effect size of 0·one and 8 predictors. Two-tailed P values < 0·05 were considered statistically significant.
Sample characteristics
The sample consisted of 225 Latino adolescent–father dyads. Adolescents' sexual activity was almost every bit distributed (Tabular array 1). Adolescents' hateful age was 11·7 years. Fathers' hateful historic period was 41·6 years, and nigh 92 % were married or living with a spouse. Nigh 2-thirds of fathers attained high schoolhouse or higher degrees, and the majority had full-time employment. The majority of fathers reported annual family income ≤ $34 999 and 40 % were food-insecure. On average, fathers had lived in the U.s. for nineteen·5 years, and most fourscore % reported that they primarily spoke their native language at home.
Tabular array ane Sociodemographic characteristics of the 225 Latino early adolescent–begetter dyads
GED, general educational evolution.
Median scores of boyish-reported paternal warmth, autonomy granting and coercive control were 4·00, 3·25 and 2·l, respectively (Table 2). Median scores of adolescent-reported paternal parenting practices ranged from 5·33 for fast food and 9·00 for screen fourth dimension. Adolescents' median daily intake frequencies of fruit, vegetable, sugary beverage, sweets/salty snack and fast food were one·49, 0·70, 0·58, 0·99 and 0·62, respectively. Adolescents' median weekly hours in physical activity and screen time were i·60 and 28·75, respectively.
Table two Boyish-reported paternal general parenting, parenting practices and boyish energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB)
Relationship analyses
Paternal warmth was positively correlated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity (r s = 0·22, 0·23 and 0·eighteen, P < 0·01; see online Supplemental Table ane), every bit well as corresponding parenting practices (r s = 0·41, 0·41 and 0·38; P < 0·001). Paternal autonomy granting was positively correlated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake, sugary drink intake and physical activity (r south = 0·22, 0·29, 0·xviii and 0·15; P < 0·05), and parenting practices of fruit intake, vegetable intake and concrete activity (r s = 0·44, 0·44 and 0·39; P < 0·001). Paternal coercive control was positively correlated with adolescents' sugary potable intake and sweets/salty snack intake (r southward = 0·21 and 0·14; P < 0·05), and parenting practices of sugary drink intake and fast food intake (r s = 0·21 and 0·14; P < 0·05).
After adjusting for adolescents' age and sex, fathers' age, employment status, acculturation level and household nutrient security status (Tabular array iii, model 1), paternal warmth was positively associated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity (β = 0·12, 0·ten and 0·xiv, P < 0·01). Paternal autonomy granting was positively associated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake, sugary drink intake, fast food intake and physical activity (β ranged from 0·08 to 0·fourteen, P < 0·05). Paternal coercive command was positively associated with adolescents' sugary potable intake and sweets/salty snack intake (β = 0·10 and 0·09, P < 0·05). Afterward further adjusting for paternal parenting practices (model 2), paternal warmth was no longer associated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity but showed a positive association with adolescents' fast food intake (β = 0·04, P < 0·05) and an inverse association with adolescents' screen time (β = −0·27, P < 0·05). Paternal autonomy granting was no longer associated with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity, but the positive associations with adolescents' sugary potable intake and fast food intake remained (β = 0·06 and 0·06, P < 0·05). Paternal coercive control was no longer associated with adolescents' sugary drink intake and sweets/salty snack intake.
Tabular array 3 Associations between paternal general parenting and adolescents' energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB)
For mediation analyses results, associations between paternal general parenting dimensions and adolescents' EBRB were mediated by corresponding parenting practices (Table four), except that paternal warmth showed independent associations with adolescents' fast nutrient intake and screen time (β = 0·04 and −0·28, P < 0·05), and paternal autonomy granting showed independent associations with adolescents' sugary drinkable intake and fast nutrient intake (β = 0·06 and 0·05, P < 0·05).
Table 4 Full, straight and indirect effects of paternal general parenting on adolescents' energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB) and the mediation effects of corresponding paternal parenting practices
For moderation analyses results, associations between parental parenting practices and adolescents' EBRB were not different by loftier and low levels of parenting dimensions of warmth, autonomy granting and coercive command (encounter online Supplemental Table), except that the significantly positive associations between parental parenting practices and adolescents' sugary drink intake were significantly dissimilar between depression and high levels of paternal warmth (β: 0·06 v. 0·11, P = 0·048) and autonomy granting (β: 0·03 v. 0·11, P = 0·004).
The present study examined associations between paternal general parenting and adolescents' EBRB, and relevant mediation and moderation mechanisms involving EBRB-specific parenting practices among a sample of 225 Latino early boyish–father dyads from relatively depression-income and less-acculturated immigrant families. No validated surveys were readily available for assessing paternal general parenting for Latino early adolescents; therefore, parental general parenting was measured using items primarily adapted from an observational scale of parenting style for first-generation Latino immigrant parents of iv- to 9-year-olds(Reference Domenech Rodríguez, Donovick and Crowley26) and two other established measures with special attention to age appropriateness(Reference Olivari, Tagliabue and Confalonieri27,Reference Sleddens, O'Connor and Watson28) . The 3 general parenting dimensions that emerged with a expert model fit were warmth, autonomy granting and coercive control.
Paternal warmth was positively associated with adolescents' favourable EBRB including fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity. High levels of warmth were featured in authoritative and permissive parenting styles which were associated with adolescents' fruit and vegetable intake and physical action in several other studies that primarily consisted of female caregivers(Reference Kremers, Brug and De Vries37–Reference Berge, Wall and Loth41). Jago and colleagues found that 10- to 11-yr-olds with permissive mothers and/or fathers reported high levels of logistic back up and modelling which may explicate the supportive effect of permissive parenting(Reference Jago, Davison and Brockmanxl). Berge and colleges found that both paternal permissive and authoritative parenting predicted higher fruit and vegetable intake among multi-ethnic adolescent girls than authoritarian parenting in a 5-year follow-up study(Reference Berge, Wall and Loth41). These authors suggested that the warmth and caring adolescents felt from fathers were more important than parental control for promoting fruit and vegetable intake(Reference Berge, Wall and Loth41). Our findings announced to back up Jago et al.'s interpretation because associations between paternal warmth and adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity were predominantly mediated by corresponding parenting practices. Whereas, paternal warmth did non show moderation effects on associations between paternal parenting practices and adolescents' EBRB. However, the electric current sample mostly perceived high levels of paternal warmth as the score at the offset quartile was three·0 on the five-point scale, which may not adequately reverberate the potential influence of depression paternal warmth.
Interestingly, afterwards adjusting for corresponding paternal parenting practices, paternal warmth was positively associated with adolescents' fast nutrient intake and inversely associated with adolescents' screen time. The United states National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015–2018 showed that, on average, 12–19 years sometime Latino adolescents consumed xviii·5 % of daily calories from fast nutrient, which was college than the 14·viii % amid non-Hispanic White adolescents(Reference Fryar, Carroll and Ahluwalia42). Latino adolescents with high paternal warmth may feel more than supported in their preferences for consuming fast food. This finding may too explain the greater influence of fathers' promotive parenting practices on sugary drinkable intake among adolescents who perceived loftier paternal warmth than those who perceived low paternal warmth. Whereas, the inverse association between paternal warmth and screen time may attribute to more quality fourth dimension between Latino fathers and adolescents engaging in activities gratuitous of screen-based devices or better compliance with paternal command of screen time.
Similar to paternal warmth, paternal autonomy granting showed favourable associations with adolescents' fruit intake, vegetable intake and physical activity, which were likewise predominantly mediated past corresponding parenting practices. In add-on, autonomy granting showed a direct effect on adolescents' sugary drink intake and fast food intake independent of corresponding parenting practices and moderated the promotive result of paternal allowing, modelling and offering sugary drinks. Autonomy support is usually considered as a desirable child-centred parenting dimension that nurtures independence and proper socialisation(Reference Skinner, Johnson and Snyder43). However, our findings propose that autonomy granting among Latino fathers may also facilitate the consumption of less healthy foods, which indicates a need for modification in order to fully support adolescents' healthy EBRB. Vaughn and colleagues proposed that food parenting practices that support adolescents' autonomy include diet education, child involvement, encouragement, praise, reasoning and negotiation(Reference Vaughn, Ward and Fisher44). Adolescents may benefit from intervention programmes that guide fathers to apply these food parenting practices.
Measures of coercive control used in the present study reflected paternal authorisation and intrusiveness, which characterise disciplinarian parenting. Coercive control complies with the Latino cultural norm of having a dominant male parent in the family unit. In the context of food parenting, coercive control includes parenting practices of restriction, pressure to eat, threats and bribes, and using food to control negative emotions(Reference Vaughn, Ward and Fisher44). Some of these behaviours were identified by Latino fathers in our previous focus group studies(Reference Zhang, Hurtado and Flores23), consistent with the positive associations of paternal coercive control with adolescents' sugary drinkable intake and sweets/salty snack intake, which were mediated by respective parenting practices in the present study. Notwithstanding, we did not find whatever moderation furnishings of paternal coercive control on fathers' parenting practices, possibly because the majority of the sample perceived low levels of paternal coercive control.
According to the psychometric assessment of general parenting measures, we retained the parenting dimension of coercive control which was different from the standard behavioural control construct (monitoring, maturity demands and not-intrusive discipline) used in the Baumrind typology of parenting styles(Reference Sleddens, O'Connor and Watson28,Reference Maccoby, Martin, Mussen and Hetherington45) . Thus, general parenting measured in the present report express cantankerous-written report comparisons, as almost previous studies practical the Baumrind typology in assessing the influence of full general parenting on adolescents' weight and weight-related behaviours(Reference Sokol, Qin and Poti1).
Another major limitation of our study was the cross-sectional pattern which did not allow for inferences about causation and compromised the validity of mediation analyses to reveal the longitudinal mediation effects(Reference Maxwell and Cole46). In addition, we used convenience sampling, so the written report findings cannot exist generalised to the broader population of Latino early adolescents and their fathers living in the USA. Adolescents' reports of paternal general parenting, nutrient and action parenting practices, and their own EBRB were too subject to remember and social desirability biases. Moreover, adolescents' perceptions of interparental incongruence have been shown to attenuate the favourable impact of paternal influence on adolescents' snack intake(Reference Gevers, van Assema and Sleddenshalf dozen). The electric current study did not assess adolescents' perceptions of maternal general parenting dimensions and EBRB parenting practices. Thus, the written report findings may exist confounded to some extent by familial dynamics in parenting.
Findings from the present sample of Latino early adolescent–male parent dyads who were primarily from low-income and less-acculturated families showed that paternal warmth and autonomy granting may facilitate both healthy and less healthy behaviours amidst Latino early on adolescents, including higher intakes of fruit and vegetables, more physical activity, less screen time, equally well every bit higher intakes of sugary drinks and fast food. Paternal coercive control could facilitate sugary drinkable intake and sweets/salty snack intake. These potential effects were primarily mediated by corresponding behaviour-specific parenting practices, and parenting dimensions of paternal warmth and autonomy support too moderated associations between parenting practices and adolescent' sugary drink intake. In general, the current study suggests that Latino fathers exert influence on adolescents' EBRB either directly by their warmth, autonomy granting, and coercive control, or by the mediation and moderation interactions with behaviour-specific parenting practices. Future research needs to incorporate parenting educational activity with healthy lifestyle interventions to support Latino fathers' efforts to prevent unhealthy weight gain among early on adolescents.
Acknowledgements: The authors have special thanks for all participants for their involvement and thank customs partners and research administration for their support. Financial back up: This project was supported by the Agriculture and Nutrient Research Initiative (grant no. 2016-68001-24921) from the USDA National Constitute of Nutrient and Agronomics. The funder had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Conflict of interest: In that location are no conflicts of involvement. Authorship: K.R., Y.Z. and Thou.A.H.C. were responsible for study blueprint and implementation. M.R., Y.Z. and A.B. collected the information. Y.Z. analysed the data and wrote the manuscript with contributions from Thou.R., S.Due north.S., A.B. and G.A.H.C. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Ethics of human bailiwick participation: This study was conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki and all procedures involving research study participants were approved by the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board Man Subjects Protection Committee. Written informed consent was obtained from fathers and assent was obtained from youth.
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